The BEST thing for boating since water!
I bought a 1997 Stratos from my wife's grandfather and the boat stayed on the water for years, and in the sun too. I brought the boat home put a couple on coats of BTS on it. I fished a tournament out of it and the guys in my club thought I had bought a brand new boat. This product it amazing, makes oil stains, and muddy water stain easier to remove. GREAT STUFF. I THANK YOU AND IF MY BOAT COULD SAY THANK YOU IT WOULD.
Just wanted to drop a line and let you know that I finally got a bottle of the BTS. All I can say is even though I have used and liked Bass Boat Saver for the last year, after one application of BTS my 2001 Ranger has never looked this good. With part of the gel coat being black and a little weathered this product is the best at bringing it back to looking new, but what really stood out is that I used it on the motor and seats and all plastic, vinyl, dash, trolling motor and it brought everything back to looking pretty much brand new. I even used it on my trailer and it made a big difference. I just wanted to let you know that I was blown away with the results of using your product.
After spending my entire life on the water, I have used and tried almost every product known to man for keeping my boats clean and corrosion free. Living in south Florida presents a lot of headaches for boat owners. Most of these can be eliminated by the regular use of BTS. It's mold and mildew prevention is absolutely amazing and in saltwater, it virtually stops corrosion and spotting. I strongly recommend this product, along with Line and Lure conditioner for every angler and boat owner.
Roland Martin
Naples, FL
This is simply one of those products that works and does exactly what it claims to do. I have 1993 Astro bass boat and the gelcoat has begun to get a little dull and faded. After two applications of BTS All Surface Protectant it looked almost new and the feel of the oxidation was almost eliminated. The best part about BTS is how easy it is to apply - just spray it on, wipe it across the surface, let it dry, and wipe - no elbow grease necessary. I have tried most other gelcoat protection products, but none of them compare to the quality and ease of BTS.
North Ferrisburg, VT
Very good stuff! I have used about every boat care product imaginable to keep my boat looking good while spending 250 days a year on the water. I have to have the best when it comes to boat care products. BTS is the best I've found... Gives gelcoat a deep glossy shine, keeps scum lines off, UV inhibitor to protect from sun & oxidization and has anti-microbial ingredients to clean & protect the surface!
Lake Fork, TX
We are lucky enough to have a small cabin on Pickwick lake, with a boathouse where we keep a 25 foot pontoon. With the boat sitting in the water all season, with the associated changes in humidity, keeping the seats clean, especially of mildew, has always been a problem. I cleaned the seats with the cleaner you sent, and sprayed them down with BTS according to directions. We just winterized the boat, and put it in storage, and the seats and trim looked better now, than when we first bought the boat, 4 years ago. This is one of those products that works exactly as advertised, and better than any competitive product I’ve ever used. You have a serious winner here!!!
Memphis, TN
I have always just waxed my boat,have never tried BBS or BTS.Well I ordered some BTS last week , and the stuff is awesome. I have a 99 Blazer in really good shape,and it never looked this good with just wax, also we did my sons Gambler and it turned out just as good. Great stuff!
Gainesville, FL
I started using BTS and the luster of the boat's finish has returned. Wow! Its smooth as glass and has a deep clear coat look. Also, it's really easy to wipe the boat down after oil/gas smears, dried liquids, lake grime, etc. Just a quick wet towel wipe down at the boat ramp after loading out takes care of most, if not all, of the mess. A guy at the boat ramp didn't believe the boat was a 2004... Which isn't that old, really, but it's that the finish had a new look to it. Thanks to the crew for a great product.
BTS, is better than wax. I have a 1992 model Procraft that is always turning heads because of BTS.
Colony, TX
Just did a small area of my Bullet with BTS with the sample that someone gave me and what a difference, if it gets better with each application for three times I'VE GOT A NEW BOAT!!
Denton, TX
No matter how clean and shiny you think your boat is BTS will make it look better. I highly recommend Bow to Stern for everyone that owns a boat and loves it to look good. After all boats are not cheap and some of us use our boats on a regular basis and this will make your boat look like the day you bought it. Overall a 10!! A must have.
Chicago, IL